PAGAN: amplicon analysis

Amplicon analysis is not much different from standard phylogenetic placement, see here for instructions on that. However, in amplicon analysis query sequence are generated with PCR and are thus expected to match a specific target region in the reference alignment. Typically only the region that the query sequences match and only the reference sequences closely-related to the query sequences are of interest. To facilitate amplicon analysis, PAGAN contains options to trim and prune the resulting alignment.

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The extra options for amplicon analysis are bets explained with an example. The data used in the examples below can be found here.

The following files are included:

The data can be analysed using the following command:  

pagan pagan_placement.cfg

The same analysis could be performed with the command:

pagan --ref-seqfile reference.fas --ref-treefile reference.tree \
 --queryfile query.fas --outfile pagan_placement --xml \ 
 --one-placement-only --trim-extended-alignment \
 --prune-extended-alignment --prune-keep-number 0 \

This produces several output files:  

Files ending with .tre are the alignment guide trees for each output; those ending with .fas and .xml are the alignments in FASTA and HSAML format.  

If the amplicon sequences are very closely related to the reference sequences, one can
add option --terminal-nodes and thus enforce their placement next to the tips.

Options related to trimming and pruning are:  

The .xml output files can be visualised with Wasabi.